Consumables management

K-Plan proposes to deal with the complete management of your consumables all along your project, from their determination to their supplying. After precising the pathologies you aim to diagnose, our teams will propose you the following options:
- Consumables related to the glove box, K-CIP™(airtight cell, pair of gloves, pair of sleeves)
- Decontamination
- Personal protective equipments (PPE) responding to the CDC, ECDC and WHO safety requirements during health crisis (complete body protection, complete facial protection, powered air purifying respirators)
- Consumables related to biological analysis from sampling (needles, tourniquet, bandages, etc.) to analysis (tubes, serological pipettes, etc.) and hygiene (gloves, bins, etc.) or paper stationeries (notebooks, pens, marker pens, etc.)
- Reactives that permit a diagnostic analysis extended to the pathologies you are interested in.

We remain at your disposal to offer you adapted solutions for your projects achievement. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.